| Posted April 20, 2021 | By Andrew Walls | Categorized under Missiology Classics Podcast Series |

Click the play button below each title:

1. Translating and Being Translated

2. Lessons to be Learned from the History of Mission in Africa

3. The Church in China

4. The Missionary Movement as Learning Experience in India

By Andrew Walls

Andrew Walls is a renowned church historian and missiologist. He taught at schools in Sierra Leone and Nigeria before coming to the University of Aberdeen, where he served as the first head of the Department of Religious Studies. He moved to the University of Edinburgh in 1986, and subsequently served at Liverpool Hope University and Africa International University’s Center for World Christianity. He established the Journal of Religion in Africa in 1967 and the journal Studies in World Christianity in 1995. He was the founder of the Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World.

He has authored several well-known books on the history of missions, including The Missionary Movement in Christian History: Studies in the Transmission of Faith, The Cross-Cultural Process in Christian History: Studies in the Transmission and Appropriation of Faith, and Mission In The Twenty-First Century: Exploring the Five Marks of Global Mission.