| Posted September 23, 2020 | By Wilbert Shenk | Categorized under Missiology Classics Podcast Series |

Click the play button below each title:

1. Integrity

2. Mission

3. Evangelism

4. A Missionary Church Engages Its Culture


By Wilbert Shenk

Wilbert Shenk was a founding member of the American Society of Missiology.

Before coming to the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in 1995, he taught in Indonesia and later served as the Director of the Overseas Ministries Division of the Mennonite Board of Missions and the Director of the Mission Training Center an Associate Professor of Mission at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary.

He is the author of hundreds of mission-related articles and numerous books, including The Transfiguration of Mission: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Foundations, Changing Frontiers of Mission, and Henry Venn-Missionary Statesman.