For Missology: An International Review: Most articles come from unsolicited submissions, which are always welcome. For information on how to submit a manuscript, please visit
For the ASM Series: Volumes in the Series are monographs on critical themes in mission studies. They are selected for their high merit and wide interest in the study of mission. Correspondence regarding submitting manuscripts for review should be addressed to Robert Hunt at [email protected].
For the ASM Scholarly Monograph Series: Authors wishing their dissertations or monographs to be considered for the Series must first submit an abstract, table of contents, and a letter explaining the relevance and importance of the study to the ASM Scholarly Monograph Series Editorial Committee Chair, James Krabill. If the topic is deemed of interest and appropriate, the Chair will request a full electronic copy of the dissertation. The Series welcomes submissions of doctoral dissertations completed in the last three years at universities and theological institutions in North America and around the world. Other similar scholarly monographs are also welcome. The manuscripts must be in English and not exceeding 350-400 pages. Members of the Series Committee judge whether the dissertations should be included in the ASM Monograph series.