
People talking at Annual Meeting

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American Society of Missiology Membership Benefits

When you become a member of the American Society of Missiology (ASM) you join an inclusive and diverse professional association made up of members from Independent (Evangelical, Pentecostal, etc.), Conciliar (Ecumenical), and Roman Catholic communions of the Christian church. The unique makeup of our membership provides a dynamic and lively exchange of ideas, issues, and scholarship focused on the church's call to participate in God's mission to the world.

Your membership helps us to host our annual gathering, publish the journal Missiology, give scholarly awards and grants, and provide you with news and developments in the discipline of Missiology.

ASM members enjoy many special benefits:

  • Full participation in the ASM annual conference, including:
    • Opportunities to attend sessions, present papers, and connect with other scholars
    • Discount on conference registration fees
    • ASM book exhibit and other special events
    • Meet and network with field related authors, other missionaries, missiologists, and those with like-minded concerns.
    • Meet with publishers, editors, and peer authors to explore publishing possibilities.
    • Eligibility to apply for travel pool funding to help offset travel expenses to the annual meeting (for those who become members by February 15)
  • Subscription to Missiology
    • All memberships include an online subscription to four (4) annual issues of Missiology
    • Online access to the newest issue of Missiology
    • Fully searchable access to every issue of Missiology dating back to 1957
  • Membership in a vibrant scholarly community
    • Communications on the latest news and developments in the field of missiology
    • Professional development resources
    • Credentialing for CV or professional development in Missiology and related disciplines
  • Publisher discounts
    • ASM members can receive discounts of up to 40% on books from major publishers
  • Publishing Opportunities
    • Timely updates on the ASM Series with Orbis Books. This series of monographs focuses on critical issues and emerging themes in mission studies.
    • Opportunities to publish with the ASM scholarly monograph This is a series dedicated to publishing distinguished dissertations and other similar scholarly monographs with Wipf and Stock in the areas of missiology and related fields of missiological interest.
  • Eligibility for prestigious annual awards and grants
    • Various publication awards are granted to ASM members each year, including research grants, the Annual Book Award for Excellence in Missiology, and the Samuel Escobar Book Award for outstanding missiological works by person of color from North America or residents in the Global South.

Become a Member, or Renew Your Membership Today!


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ASM Membership Rates

Annual Meeting Discussion Group

(ASM Membership comes with a digital* subscription to Missiology)

Member Category




Resident of country identified by the UN as LDC


Tier 1: $0-$35,000 income


Tier 2: $35,000-$50,000 income


Tier 3: $50,000-$75,000 income


Tier 4: $75,000-$100,000 income


Tier 5: $100,000 or more income


*(Please note: As of 2023 there are no more print editions of Missiology. All subscriptions are digital only.)