The American Society of Missiology has a long distinguished history of publishing within the mission field. Our journal Missiology: An Internationoal Review has long been a premiere mission publication that is multi-disciplined, interconfessional, practical, and global. The ASM Series, in existance for over 30 years, is a series of monographs exploring current and cutting edge issues within the mission field. Our newer ASM Monograph Series is a publication of distinguished dissertations and other similar scholarly monographs in missiology and in related fields of missiological interest.
On this page you will also find links to Course Syllabi offered by the APM to enhance the teaching of mission, ATLASerials® (ATLAS®) access for members and non-member journal subscibers, and guidelines for manuscript and book review submissions.
2015 Book Award for Excellence in Missiology
The American Society of Missiology honors Dr. Scott W. Sunquist as the recipient of the annual Book Award for Excellence in Missiology. His book, The Unexpected Christian Century: The Reversal and Transformation of Global Christianity, 1900-2000, published by Baker Academic in 2015, is recognized for its significant contribution to missiology, and is noted for its distinctive influence on how missiology and mission studies are examined, understood, and interpreted.
Presented June 18, 2016, University of Northwestern – St. Paul, MN
Darrell Whiteman, Ph.D.
American Society of Missiology
Gregory Leffel, Ph.D.
President 2015-2016
American Society of Missiology