APM - Current Officers

Susan Maros, Ph.D., President

Fuller Theological Seminary

Pasadena, CA


Photo of Susan Maros

Susan Maros is Affiliate Assistant Professor of Christian Leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary where she teaches courses on leadership and on formation, and supervises doctoral work. She is a past President of the Academy of Religious Leadership and currently the co-chair of the Practical Theology Interest Group in the Society for Pentecostal Studies.





Kyle Faircloth, Ph.D.First Vice President

Palm Beach Atlantic University

West Palm Beach, FL


Kyle Faircloth directs the Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies program and serves as an associate professor of intercultural studies at Palm Beach Atlantic University. Prior to joining the faculty at PBA in August 2019, Kyle and his family served in ministry for fifteen years in Southeast Asia. His research interests include the fields of intercultural studies, world Christianity, theology of religions, liturgical theology, ritual studies, and aspects of contextual theology related to Southeast and East Asian religious and philosophical contexts. 




Antonio (Ton) D. Sison, PhD., Second Vice President

Catholic Theological Union

Chicago, IL


Antonio D. Sison, CPPS, is Professor of Systematic Theology and Culture and Vatican Council II Chair of Theology Chair, Department of Historical and Doctrinal Studies at Catholic Theological Union. Antonio or “Br. Ton” is a religious Brother of the Society of the Precious Blood (CPPS).

Dr. Sisson is committed to contextual, intercultural, and aesthetic approaches to doing systematic theology. His latest book is The Art of Indigenous Inculturation: Grace on the Edge of Genius (Orbis Books, 2021), a cutting-edge exploration of the phenomenon of religious inculturation through the “aesthetics of liberation,” with case studies from Asian, African, and Latin American postcolonial contexts. 




Shawn Behan, Ph.D., Secretary-Treasurer

Missouri Baptist University

Chesterfield, MO


Shawn Behan is a PhD graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary with a focus on theology and mission, specifically working on the missionary ecclesiology of Lesslie Newbigin. Shawn has a wide range of research interests, which includes theology of mission, history of mission, ecclesiology, Global Christianity, church planting, evangelism, and world religions. Shawn currently teaches for Missouri Baptist University and Maryville University in St. Louis, MO. Shawn has served with APM since 2019, first as Executive Director of Membership and Member Relations and then later joining David Fenrick as Co-Secretary/Treasurer in 2022, before taking over as the sole Secretary/Treasurer in 2023.


Advisory Board:


Emmanuel Buteau

Xavier Unviersity of Louisiana



Ondina Cortes, RMI

Barry University        



Lalsangkima Pachuau

Asbury Theological Seminary           



Audrey Seah

Holy Cross College                



Charles Van Engen

Fuller Theological Seminary 



Uday Balasundaram

Duke Divinity School



Chris Robershaw

Asbury Theological Seminary           



Sean Thomas

Palm Beach Atlantic University                    



Bryan Froehle

Palm Beach Atlantic University